In a small town in contemporary America, children and adults gather on the green to take part in a lottery. It is June 27, and according to an old proverb, “Lottery in June, corn be heavy soon.”
Lottery, also known as the lot or the drawing of lots, has a long history, although the practice was not used for material gains until relatively recently. The name is probably derived from the Dutch word for fate (“lot,” from Latin “voluntas”). It has been a popular way of collecting public money for a wide variety of purposes, including charitable and civic activities, as well as for tax-exempt municipal projects.
Prizes for lotteries are usually large. A percentage is deducted for costs, profits, and promotional expenses, and the remainder is available to the winners. The larger the jackpot, the more ticket sales; therefore, many states limit the maximum prize amounts.
Despite the widespread popularity of lotteries, there is considerable debate about their merits. Some people argue that they encourage gambling addiction, while others say that the lottery is a form of voluntary taxation and raises needed funds for important social services. Lottery promoters argue that the public benefits far outweigh any perceived risks.
Since New Hampshire established the modern era of state lotteries in 1964, many other states have followed suit. The lottery is a classic example of public policy being made piecemeal, incrementally and with little overall overview; authority is fragmented between the legislative and executive branches of government, and few state officials have a coherent “gambling policy.” Moreover, most state lotteries rely heavily on a narrow base of support: convenience store operators (for their advertising); suppliers, who often contribute to state political campaigns; teachers, for whom some proceeds are earmarked; and other special interest groups.